Why Choose Synthetic Turf Miami Over Natural Grass? Why Choose Synthetic Turf Miami Over Natural Grass?

Industry Leading Professional Installation Crews

Why Choose Synthetic Turf Miami Over Natural Grass?

Synthetic Turf Miami is designed to mimic what natural grass is but without the hassles of maintenance and additional expenses. What are the reasons why you should choose synthetic over natural grass?

  • Natural grass cannot remain lush and green without you tending on it regularly. The thing with synthetic grass is that it maintains its appearance no matter what the weather or climate is.
  • The opportunity it presents to save water doesn’t just help your personal expenses but also has a great impact on the environment. Did you know that every square meter of natural grass replaced with synthetic turf saves 2,200 gallons per year?
  • Synthetic grass is very resilient and far more durable than natural grass. Synthetic turf can be utilized around 3,000 hours per year with no rest required.
  • It can stand all weather even if it is cold or very hot. Natural grass tends to wither and die after long winters or long stretches of drought.

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