Other Color Variations of Synthetic Turf Maitland Other Color Variations of Synthetic Turf Maitland

Industry Leading Professional Installation Crews

Other Color Variations of Synthetic Turf Maitland

Green is absolutely not an exclusive color for synthetic turf Maitland because there are other color variations including black, blue, tan, brown, and pink. The color tone of artificial turf is a product of the integration of the coloring materials with the pellet form of polyethylene base. The faux grass effect comes from the melting together and a mixture of the plastic pellets. Many industries, including sports fields developers, utilize different colors of synthetic grass.

Synthetic turf Maitland color variations work as an exciting way to create logos and fields, especially in the sports industry. The use of color turf in certain landscapes is still a good option if you want your artificial grass to seamlessly blend with the dominant shade in your surroundings. Color varieties for synthetic grass are creative means of adding a vibrant touch to any locations and application.

Visit Go Forever Green FL and discover the latest color variations for your landscape needs and preferences. Contact us for details!

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