Pet Lawn: Simple Maintenance Tips Pet Lawn: Simple Maintenance Tips

Industry Leading Professional Installation Crews

Pet Lawn: Simple Maintenance Tips

The most challenging part of having a pet lawn is keeping the area clean and presentable all the time. Rain may not be enough to clean it, and you may still have to do the dirty job on your own. Here are some useful tips:

  • Remove all solid wastes or pet feces right away. The turf is installed with a drainage system, but the solid biological wastes may clog it and may cause more troubles later. Remove them by hand using gloves, and avoid washing them away using hose as it will only spread the dirt in the other areas.
  • You may also leave the solid waste to dry up before removing them in a sunny weather. This makes it easier for you to remove. However, in a rainy weather, remove them right away before they will be washed away.
  • Sanitize and disinfect the area to protect your pets from any diseases. Ask the pet turf expert about the cleaning product that suits both your pet and the turf well.
  • Groom the turf on a weekly basis with recommended cleaners, and brush the blades to maintain its green, fresh look, and to make them stand up.

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