Where to Use Fake Grass Jacksonville Where to Use Fake Grass Jacksonville

Industry Leading Professional Installation Crews

Fake Grass Maintenance Tips

Although fake grass requires less maintenance than the natural grass, it is still important to groom the installation every now and then. It may withstand the changes in season, but poorly maintained synthetic turf can look awful as time goes by. Make sure to keep it clean, fresh, and natural-looking with some tips:

  • It may not need to be watered every day, but rinsing the artificial turf regularly can surely do wonders. If you live in an area where there is frequent downpour, then you may spare yourself from doing the rinsing on your own. You can use hose and some mild detergent to wash out the dirt and debris stuck into the blades.
  • You should also deodorize and sanitize the turf every now and then especially when you have pets. Pet urine and feces make the turf smell. You may use mild cleansers and deodorizers or go natural with vinegar.
  • Eliminate the weeds or prevent them from growing by using weedicides. Weeds can cause damage to the turf when they are left there to rot.

Make sure that you use the right tools when cleaning the turf to avoid damaging its blades. Artificial turf is easy to maintain, but if you need a pro to help you, contact us at GoForeverGreen right away.

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