Standard Industry Warranty for Synthetic Turf Maitland Standard Industry Warranty for Synthetic Turf Maitland

Industry Leading Professional Installation Crews

Standard Industry Warranty for Synthetic Turf Maitland

Synthetic turf Maitland is a practical alternative to natural and real grass simply because it has a longer lifespan and has no issues with withering and dying. Proper upkeep and maintenance of artificial grass can guarantee years of functional use and maintenance of its condition. Make sure that you know the standard industry warranty of the synthetic turf you purchase to approximate how long you can use it without replacement.

The standard industry warranty for synthetic turf Maitland is up to 15 years, depending on the use and maintenance of the product. Other factors that affect the lifespan of artificial turf include foot traffic, exposure to outdoor elements, and the overall quality of the synthetic grass you invest in. Choose a supplier of synthetic grass that offers longer warranty for their product as a sign of their confidence in the quality of the artificial turf. Reputable suppliers cover any issues on the manufacturing of the product.

Go Forever Green FL is your trusted source of artificial grass with the longer warranty period. Talk to us now for more details!

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